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  • greg 11:34 am on January 21, 2014 Permalink |
    Tags: User Interface   

    Found this excellent site today. I signed up for updates – it’s that fresh.

    Try Transitions instead of showing changes instantly.

    Interface elements often appear, hide, move, shift, and resize as users do their thing. As elements respond to our interactions, it sometimes is a little easier to comprehend what just happened when we sprinkle in the element of time. A built in intentional delay in the form of an animation or transition, respects cognition and gives people the required time to understand a change in size or position. Keep in mind of course that as we start increasing the duration of such transitions beyond 0.5 seconds, there will be situations where people might start feeling the pain. For those who just wish to get things done quickly, too long of a delay of course can be a burden.

    Just a growing list of common UI practices to get the best possible design. Lots of great ideas @ GoodUI.

  • Bobby 9:45 pm on June 27, 2013 Permalink |
    Tags: , User Interface,   

    The Future of User Interfaces 

    The Future of User Interfaces | Webdesigntuts+.

    This is a must read for any designer or developer out there IMHO.

    We are web designers and developers. As obvious as our work is (we build interactive media applications) there’s a deeper meaning to what we do. We analyze design problems and explore different concepts to solve them. This also means that we think of the communication between a device and the user. We develop that communication. We design what the user sees and does.

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