The problem is as old as forms on the web are. The longer the form, the bigger the problem, potentially. The problem I’m talking about is one you have encountered more than once in your digital lifetime. It uses to occur only after filling out the most complex forms or while you are in a hurry and just wanted to submit this order you promised your wife to place today. There it is. Submission fails, the browser tab closes accidentally, for some reason you press F5 or whatever monkey business you achieve to perform. Result: the form is empty again, you are back to zero. The plugins for jQuery we have for you today, promise to avoid running into a situation like this ever again.

Garlic.js and Sisyphus.js: Save The Content Of Your Form To LocalStorage

If you run an ecommerce site you are aware of the problem. If potential customers have to fill in forms over and over again they will more likely than not lose their desire to buy. In other words: They will leave their shopping carts right in the middle of your warehouse and head for the door.

This effect is not limited to shoppers, of course. Every net citizen will have encountered the effect of having to fill in this large form yet again, I know I had to dozens of times. It is not always due to the disability of your fingers. Web designers have their fair share too.

Garlic.js and Sisyphus.js, two relatively fresh plugins for jQuery promise to be the solution. While Sisyphus.js is the older and more mature project, Garlic.js sees a lot of attention these days, as it is brand-new and backed by an ambitious developer open to suggestions and discussions in general.

via Garlic.Js and Sisyphus.Js: These jQuery Plugins Store Form Values With HTML5 LocalStorage – noupe.