10 Interface Typos You Don’t Even Know You’re Making – SitePoint

Is it login or log in? Ebook or eBook? Who even knows any more?

In this article, I’ll highlight the 10 most common user interface typos I see (as in all the time) and help you avoid them.

When I say they’re typos you don’t even know you’re making, I’m not kidding.

  1. Login and log in
  2. Signup and sign up
  3. Setup and set up
  4. Right-click and right clicK
  5. Free and for free
  6. Everyday and every day
  7. Instore and in store
  8. Through and thru
  9. Discount on and discount off
  10. Email, eBook and others

via 10 Interface Typos You Don’t Even Know You’re Making – SitePoint.